Intersectii / Intersections

Vol.6 No.1 Art.2

EBBEF2p - A Computer Code for Analysing Beams on Elastic Foundations

Iancu Bogdan Teodoru;

The development of a finite element computer code for the static structural analysis of beams on elastic foundation is described. Called EBBEF2p (Euler-Bernoulli Beams on Two-Parameter Elastic Foundationis) this code is written in the computer programme package MATLAB and can handle a wide range of static loading problems involving a one-dimensional beam supported by elastic foundation. The theoretical basis for the code, its computer implementation, and its use to solve example problems are discussed too.

KEYWORDS: Beams; Elastic Foundations; Winkler Foundation; Two-Parameter Elastic Foundation; Vlasov Foundation; Finite Elements; Static Structural Analysis; Computer Program.

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